Graham Hill Elementary PTA

Blue Whale Mascot

Who We Are & What We Do

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of Graham Hill Elementary School consists of dedicated parents and teachers who volunteer to enrich the educational experience for our students. Our activities span various committees, each contributing to our mission of enhancing and celebrating our school's vibrant community.

Graham Hill Elementary is part of Seattle Public Schools.

At the Graham Hill Elementary School PTA, we're volunteers, creators, advocates, and community builders. We are dedicated to providing our children with a rich, fulfilling school experience through collaboration, enthusiasm, and a spirit of volunteerism.

Be a Part of Something Impactful: Join Our Volunteer Committees!

Below are examples of some of the great work we are doing. If you would like to volunteer, email us at [email protected]

Beautification / Gardening Committee

We collaborate to maintain and enhance our school’s lush grounds, beautiful raised beds, and educational p-patch. Volunteers engage in various activities, ensuring a beautiful, conducive learning environment. For 2022-2023, we’re exploring more ways to enrich our school’s surroundings and welcome you to help shape and preserve our outdoor spaces.

Blue Whale Spirit Wear/PTA Office Management

A nod to our beloved mascot, the Blue Whale committee manages the Spirit Store and ensures our PTA office remains a well-organized hub. Volunteers manage inventory and coordinate with the PTA board to ensure smooth operation and spirit wear distribution.

All School Snack

A significant PTA initiative, providing daily snacks to all classrooms, necessitating volunteers for purchasing and delivering snacks. Support from parents ensures a consistent supply of nourishing snacks for every student, every day.

Teacher Appreciation

Our educators shape our children’s futures. This committee orchestrates thoughtful gestures, gifts, and events to show our sincere appreciation throughout the year. Volunteers find innovative ways to celebrate our stellar staff.

School-Wide Events

Facilitating events that celebrate and acknowledge the rich diversity of our community. Volunteers bring to life various cultural events and enable enjoyable experiences for families and students alike.

Advocacy, Equity, and Justice

Advocacy is our forte, and we collaborate with district and statewide PTA advocacy groups. Volunteers may represent our school at various platforms, advocating for policies and initiatives that enhance our educational experience.

Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance

A unified fundraising approach, where we partner with regional schools to organize the “Move-A-Thon” event, and ensure equitable distribution of proceeds. Your participation can elevate our fundraising efforts, providing much-needed resources for our school and others in the region.

School-Based Opportunities

Engage directly with the school through committees such as the Building Leadership Team and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports team, and supporting our wonderful school social worker. Whether you’re interested in budgeting, policy-making, or providing hands-on support for our students, there’s a place for your skills and interests.

Arts Enrichment and Last-Minute Volunteer Needs

Volunteers collaborate with our art teacher to enhance arts education and occasionally assist with sporadic, immediate needs at the school. Your skill and time, even if just sporadic 30-minute slots, make a tangible difference in our day-to-day operations.

Your Involvement Makes a Difference

No matter your availability, skills, or interests, there’s a place for you here at the Graham Hill Elementary School PTA. Your involvement sends a powerful message to our children about the importance of community and collaborative effort. Engage with a committee that speaks to your passion and let’s co-create enriching experiences for our children and the larger school community!

Contact us to learn more!